Website Maintenance Service


Improve Your Brand


Increase Your Conversions


Stay Safe and Sound

We'll build good defences against malicious attacks

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Keep your website error free & up to date

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Supported Platforms

wordpress platform
woocommerce platform
shopify platform
opencart platform
prestashop platform
joomla platform

The Website Maintenance Services Checklist

24/7/365 Website Monitoring

The service includes 24/7/365 uptime monitoring. 如果你的网站宕机了,我们的团队会收到一个警告通知,让它重新上线. 维修服务自购买之日起12个月内提供.

Website Health Check

我们将对您的网站进行健康检查,以确保其性能完好无损, 这包括检查所有页面的各种类型的错误和警告, ensuring that SSL certificate loads on all pages, your content is rendered correctly, 整体表现还算不错,可以接受.

Keeping Your Website Up-to-Date

过时版本的插件和网站引擎是黑客最好的朋友. 你只需要运行最新版本的软件,你的网站正在使用. We'll make sure that it is installed correctly and in time.

Ensuring Browser Compatibility

There are so many browsers that people are using. 无论他们使用哪种浏览器访问您的网站,网站都将呈现完美

Getting Rid of 404's

我们将监控内部和外部链接,确保它们指向它们应该指向的地方. 断开的链接是网站用户可能面临的最令人恼火的事情之一.

Regular Website Backups

Sometimes pages are lost, or some functionality falls apart; regular backups can help restore a fully functional copy of your website in a few clicks. The backup files are stored on your hosting account.

Dev Team Assistance
(5 hours/mo)

这是一个改善或修复网站功能的绝佳机会. 有了这个选项,您将从我们的项目经理、设计师和开发人员那里得到专业的帮助.

Recommendations and Improvements

As a part of the Maintenance Services, 你会得到一份详细的报告,关于可以改变或改进的事情,以最大限度地提高你的网站的性能. 这涵盖了与内容相关的问题,添加/删除页面,或任何与用户体验相关的问题.

Monthly Report

On the last business day of the month, 我们会给你发一份详细的报告,重点介绍这个月完成的所有任务. 在那里,您可以查看网站每月的性能进展.

Domain Name & Hosting Renewal

Being a solopreneur can have an unexpected result. 想象一下,你错过了一封关于域名或主机过期的电子邮件. This can have a devastating effect on your business. We'll make sure this never happens.

Improving Website Accessibility

一个配色方案会使阅读文本或区分可点击元素和不可点击元素变得困难,这是一个主要缺陷. 我们将通过改进网站可访问性来帮助您解决此问题.


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Philipp Maas

HKP Tuning & Performance

让团队与像我们这样的小企业合作,在很短的时间内以合理的预算定制我们的商店,这是很大的帮助. 我们只能建议在为可能有效或符合您需求的公司和产品花费数千美元之前利用这项服务

Robert Chlebowski

Cyber Folks

I am very satisfied with the cooperation, I recommend your company to my friends, everything is very efficient and professional. Fast orders, in my opinion a perfect company and services. I will definitely work with you for a long time.

Michel Minne

Studio Bigfish

对我来说,这是一项很棒的服务,也是一种解脱,因为有了这项维修服务,我可以用两只耳朵睡觉了(作为一种说话方式)。. I can focus on other activities. 我不必担心因为时间不够而推迟,甚至有时会忘记它. 您每周都会收到更新,问题或评论都会及时得到回答. What more can you ask?


Take Care of My Website!

Website Maintenance Services FAQ

开发团队执行最需要的任务,如更改配色方案, customization of a logo, integration of plugins, changing page layout, localization of a template, and so on. 我们将尽最大努力完成您在购买包中所要求的更改. 如果你想做更多的修改,你可以以每小时20美元的价格雇佣一个网页开发人员.

您的托管对我们来说并不重要,因为我们正在与各种托管提供商合作,除了 hosting companies that we recommend  to our clients (where we hosted thousands of websites.)此外,我们可以为您提供最推荐的主机包的折扣.

As our service implies constant maintenance, it's basically a subscription, 这意味着每12个月只会从你的卡上扣除一次付款. If you choose to cancel the service, your subscription will not be renewed in 12 months, 但您将获得预付期内的所有维修服务.

We need access to your hosting and website admin panel.

Users can get a refund if our developers haven't yet initiated the first maintenance task; the refund cannot be issued if the task is started. 用户必须在购买“维修服务”之日起14天内提交退款申请.

After you choose and purchase the maintenance plan, 您的项目经理将与您联系,以获取有关您的网站的所有必要信息, including admin login credentials. 当我们得到所有必要的信息,我们可以开始提供维修服务. To help you get the most of this service, 我们会考虑贵公司的所有需求和偏好.

我们支持WordPress, Joomla, WooCommerce, Shopify, PrestaShop, OpenCart.

To initiate a task, you have to contact your PM. 经理将与您联系,并在您订阅后始终与您保持联系. You can discuss a new task via email, chat, or a voice call.

在线支付通过安全的SSL过程(安全套接字层)进行,该过程保证了高级加密(使用最大的授权标准), at 128 bits).

Please read our  Refund Policy  to find out more details.